The End of an Era


I know, crazy! If you follow me on social media (or talk to my mom) at all, then you'll know that I've been dating Isaac for the last few months. If you don't, then well, surprise! 

We met back in September, and it has been very cool to see how the Lord has been providing and directing us. Isaac is everything that I have been praying for for so many years, and it is so clear that God has brought us together, and I am so excited to begin a new chapter of life by his side!

Isaac is the youth director at a church in Maui, and during the earlier stages of our relationship, we were praying into what would our future look like. We live on separate islands, and so if we were to move forward, one of us would have to move eventually. We prayed about it separately, and we both felt that if we were to continue, I should be the one to move. 

I started to move forward in faith that the Lord would provide. Moving to Maui right now is not an easy thing, due to wildfires that burned down most of Lahaina, and there are so many displaced peoples trying to find housing and vehicles. I needed somewhere to live, I needed somehow to support myself, and somehow to get around. It felt like a tall order.

Well, oddly enough, about the same time that Isaac and I started seeing each other, the company I work for part-time started doing cases at their new office in Maui, business is ramping up, and they are needing a nurse over there to be a more consistent presence. Guess who put their hand up?? I am going to be transitioning out of Ywam, and working full time in a nursing role at Pacific Vascular Institute. It worked out so perfectly, because it is still the same company, and so I don't have to make any changes to the work visa I'm currently on. What a God thing!

Well, I sold my car in less than a week, I was able to get a great deal on a newer car on Oahu and have it shipped to Maui, and Isaac was able to find housing for me through his church! I'll be temporarily living with a lady who volunteers in the church's office until we get married. God has been so faithful in this transition, and all the glory should go to Him!

I'm a little sad to be saying goodbye to Ywam, and the amazing friendships I have made here. However, I have felt for the last 8 months or so that there was a transition coming up, and I have been feeling the desire to spend more time working in and engaging with the local community that I am in. I feel like I will be able to do this in Maui, and to be able to spend more time pouring into my coworkers at the clinic. 

Being prayed over at my last staff meeting

I am beyond excited to transition into this new mission field, and I feel like the Lord has prepared a soft landing for me over there, with lots of Isaac's friends having wives and girlfriends that I can be friends with, as well as my job being set up for me over there. 

I got to attend M3 Missions conference in Houston!

Because I am moving to working consistently and I will no longer be in ministry, I am no longer  accepting donations as of February 29.

I want to thank each and every one of you who have supported me over the last FIVE years that I have spent serving the Pacific with my skills. It has been an honour and a privilege to partner with you.

My farewell/engagement party, I am so grateful for this community! 

It is truly the end of an era, and while a little sad that this chapter is ending, I am very excited to be able to continue to serve the Pacific, just in a different capacity. God is so good, and may all the glory go to Him!


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