Going to Jamaica!

I am so excited to announce that on Sunday I will be heading to Jamaica for a week!

Now I know this sounds like I’m going on a holiday (and don’t get me wrong, I’m stoked to go somewhere tropical), but my purpose is actually to volunteer and spend time learning and preparing for my role on the Liberty in Papua New Guinea.

Dr. Ed Kondrot is an ophthalmologist who specializes in a specific type of cataract surgery called MSICS, which was specifically developed for use in developing nations. Dr. Kondrot is helping YWAM Ships Kona set up their eye surgery program on the Liberty, and he will be visiting the Liberty in July to help us launch our program.

However, prior to July, Dr. Kondrot is participating in various outreaches all over the world, and he invited Liberty staff to come join him for an outreach and learn as much as we can about cataract surgery. As the soon-to-be ophthalmology clinic coordinator, and also the person who is physically the closest to Jamaica (the rest of the outreaches were in Africa or Asia), I jumped on the opportunity to go and learn as much as I can about this new specialty that I am going to be involved in.

As a Registered Nurse, I will be able to learn how to “scrub in” to assist with the surgery, and to learn what the nursing role is in an OR, and specifically an ophthalmology OR. I am also hoping to learn about sterilization and to observe the flow of the clinic and what type of health education is provided.

I am asking that you would remember me in your prayers this week, and until I return home on March 31, that preparations would go smoothly, safety in travel (as I am travelling by myself), and that I would be able to learn lots and see lots of different situations so as to better bless the people of Papua New Guinea when I head there in July!


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