Jamaica Update

So I just returned home from my week-long trip to Montego Bay, Jamaica, where I was learning about eye surgery, specifically Manual Small Incision Cataract Surgery (or MSICS), which is the primary procedure we will be performing on the YWAM Liberty. I had no idea what to expect on this journey, just that I would be learning about eye surgery and how to scrub in as a nurse. I did learn SO much, including how to scrub in, how to set up a tray, what the pre/post operative teaching and procedures are, and got some really good ideas to implement when I am running the clinic on the ship. Learning how to apply a drape I also learned more than just medical procedures. The trip was being operated through an organization called Surgical Eye Expeditions (SEE) International. This isn’t a Christian organization, and the other volunteers who were on the trip were not Christians. It was a very interesting experience for me to be in a mission/volunteering environment, and yet to be in a secul...