T-Minus One Week!
Now I’m working on wrapping things up so I can move. I have my last day of work on Thursday, which has a lot of bittersweet emotions with it. Some challenging patients have made it really difficult to enjoy my work over the last few months, but I will definitely miss my incredible coworkers. I’ve also been trying to see and connect with people before I go, along with doing a lot of logistical things. So if you’re not scheduled to see me in the next week, and you want to, shoot me a text and we can try to set something up!

It has been absolutely amazing to see God’s provision in this time of preparation. In the little everyday things, like my daily bible reading being exactly what I am needing spiritually, to bigger things, like the fact that every single time I have left for missions with YWAM, there has been some kind of event where I have been able to see my entire extended family just before I leave. It was so special to be able to spend time with my whole family just 10 days before leaving for an extended time. And as many of you know, I’ve been trying to sell my car for the last 2 months, and I finally bit the bullet and took it into a dealership this week. But I went in with a certain price in mind, and a lot of prayers in my heart, and they offered me that exact price right off the bat, so I accepted without any negotiation and that was that. I was so grateful to God for providing for me in that way!
Speaking of provision, if you’re reading this and you’re one of the people who have told me you intend on supporting me financially, now is a great time to start! If you’re reading this and you had no idea that I will be relying entirely on donations over the next two years and you’re interested in helping me out, you can visit http://ywamcanada.org/donations.html for various options on how to donate. Also, if you donate, please include my name and unique identifier code, MA36 to ensure I receive the donation.
I’m so excited to see what God will do in Papua New Guinea. I have seen how He moves there before, and I am so excited to see it again! Because of some delays in some mechanical work on the ship, we are not able to sail during our July 11-27 outreach; so we have arranged for a land-based outreach! So after I arrive in Port Moresby (the capital city), less than a week later I will be traveling to one of the Highlands provinces, to a city called Mt. Hagen. I’m so excited because I wouldn’t otherwise have a reason to travel to the highlands (seeing as how there’s no ocean there). I have no idea what to expect, but I know that regardless of what happens, it’ll be incredible!
As hard as it will be leaving my family and friends, I am so excited for what God has in store for my life over the next two years. Please be praying for a smooth transition into my role on the Liberty, that there would be no issues with my flights as I make my way over there, and that I would be continually putting my trust in God’s plan and not leaning on my own understanding, because I know God can do so much more through me when I am yielded to Him! Thank you for being with me and supporting me on this journey, I can’t to share stories of what God is up to!
Ashley, Dave and I will be praying for you as you wrap things up this week, as well as for safety and good connections as you travel. Even though your ship is delayed because of repairs and you will be going to Mt Hagen with no idea of what to expect, in God's providence He knows and will use you and your team while you are there. Delays are divine ways God uses to get us to where we need to be! In it all, God is faithful. God bless you above all you ask or think. Dave and Kathie Schiedel