It's Time for Timbits!

Well, it took me 48 hours, 3 face masks, and a ton of vending machine food, but I made it back to Canada! I know I posted it on Instagram and Facebook, but I realised after I posted it that I was pretty vague, and a lot of you have no idea what my plans are. Am I back for good? Is it just a short time? What's going on? I got a lot of these kinds of messages, so I think I need to clear the air.

Much to my mother's dismay, I am not back for good. With all the 2020 outreaches cancelled and doing mainly admin work since February, I had been staying on board out of obedience to the Lord. It wasn't easy, for sure, but I am so grateful for the experience and all the ways the Lord revealed himself to me, and the deep friendships I developed. And to be fair, it wasn't all bad. I had some amazing times as well!

That being said, at the beginning of August I received confirmation from God that I was released to go for a break whenever I wanted to. That was scary for me, cause I was like, well then when? But as I started to do the maths with flights, my 2 week quarantine, and all the things I want to do while home, I booked a flight for the end of August and felt a lot of peace about it, and the Lord keeps confirming that he is with me on this, through having no issues with flights, border control, or lost bags (despite FOUR connections). 

So what's the plan then? After this eight-month valley I've walked through, I feel that the Lord has led me to a green pasture, and wants to bless me with a season of rest. I'm currently in my 14 day quarantine at my parent's house in Calgary, and then I'll be available to hang from September 13 until after Thanksgiving! 

Our Crankshaft Finally Arrived!

After Thanksgiving, I got a 6-week travel nursing contract in Fort St. John, B.C., so I'll be heading up there mid-October and coming back around the end of November. I decided to pursue this option for a few reasons: I haven't gotten many nursing hours this year and I need a certain number to maintain my license, this was one of the few options I could think of that was a no-strings-attached short term position, and I couldn't bear to sit around in Calgary on holiday for three whole months. This is a paid position, so to my monthly supporters, please look for an email that will be coming with some options of what you can do for the months of October and November.

In December, I am hoping that restrictions will have eased so I will be able to travel to Kona, Hawaii, to spend some time working in the Fleet Support office at the YWAM Ships Base there. Fleet Support consists of all the people who coordinate volunteers, donations, visas, etc for everything that goes on in PNG. I have been having zoom calls with them every week since the beginning of the year, and it will be really nice to be able to go spend some time with them in person, and get a sense of the community and base that is the main support for the ship.

After December (again, covid-willing), I am planning to try to get back to PNG. We have a strong lead to be able to start outreaches with the ship in February, so I will spend January getting all the clinics set up and ready to go!

I really want to say thank you to all of you who have been supporting me and praying for me through this difficult season. I couldn't have done it without you! I really would like to connect with as many people as possible while I'm home and out of quarantine so please message me! 

As for prayer, the engineers still are having difficulty getting into the country so that we can continue the work that needs to be done on the engines. Please pray for easy management of the government red-tape, and favour with the different departments that we need approval from, and that we would be able to get them in quickly! 


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