So I guess the biggest news I have to share is that I have finally booked my plane tickets back to Papua New Guinea! I'll be traveling there on May 17, and then having to quarantine for two weeks in a hotel. I should be back on the ship on June 4, and I will remain in PNG until December when our outreaches are scheduled to finish.

This has been a really emotionally complex decision for me, and I really feel like I'm stepping out in faith by travelling to PNG at this time. On one hand, my visa for the US runs out June 1, so I need to leave and go somewhere anyhow, and I WANT to go to PNG and I'm excited to start outreaches. On the other hand, I have so enjoyed my time here; I have been able to do such fruitful things, and have begun to build such wonderful friendships that I don't want to leave! I'm also battling the fears of being disappointed like I have been in the past, but also the knowledge that God is moving and giving us momentum like never before, and wanting to trust in his faithfulness.

I know this is the right move and the right timing, but it's bittersweet all the same. I am so grateful that no matter where I go in this world, the Lord provides people who care for me and pour into my life. He has blessed me so richly! 

Learning how to set up the Jesus Film Recording Equipment!

God is bigger than all the complications and hiccups along the way. We've seen little inconveniences come up over the last few months, and they always seem really dramatic at the time, but when I take a step back and look at the bigger picture, I can see how they can't interfere or affect God's plan. What God has spoken will come to pass, and there is nothing the enemy can do that will stop it!

I went shopping for medicine this week!

So in the end, this is really a big step of faith for me to travel back to PNG. I'm nervous but I know it's right, and I know that I can't do it alone. I need your prayers and support to go with me as I travel, as we all know international travel is not the easiest thing right now. I am asking for prayer for smooth connections, that I wouldn't have any difficulties with layovers or baggage or flight cancellations. 

With Edith and her family.... watch the video below for details!

I am also asking that you would consider partnering with me financially. I have to quarantine at a hotel in Port Moresby for two weeks at my own expense, which will cost me approximately $1800 ($1500USD), and the cost for my one-way flight to PNG was $2350 ($1900 USD). Any amount that you are able to give to help me cover these two costs would be such a blessing to me, and would help me to continue pursuing my calling to bring Christ's love to the most isolated places on Earth. Just click the donate page to find out how you can donate!

Thank you all so much for all your continued support, I really couldn't do what I do without such an incredible network of support behind me. I pray that you would be blessed beyond all measure!

PS. Here's a little video our communications department made of me sharing stories and my heart behind why I do what I do!


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