Beautiful Madang

 Pioneering is not easy, and it’s rarely comfortable or glamorous. You don’t always get to see the fruit of your labour, and there’s a guarantee that the enemy is going to come against you because you’re trying to take ground; but when I look back at what we’ve accomplished and how many opportunities the Lord has opened up, I’m not surprised at all that the enemy has been attacking us so relentlessly! 

When we arrived in Madang five weeks ago, I had about three contacts for medical ministry, churches, transport, etc., and now I have almost twenty! We have been able to make connections with officials high up in the Provincial Health Authority, and they are eager to work with us to reach the remote areas of Madang Province. We’ve connected with pastors, healthcare workers, other ministries, village and business leaders. It is absolutely mind-blowing what the Lord has done!

As I write this, we’ve got two weeks left in our outreach. Our primary ministry on this trip has been volunteering at the local hospital. There is a covid surge in the country right now, and the healthcare system is not equipped to deal with it. Many of the local nurses are overworked and overwhelmed by the amount of deaths. We’ve had a lot of opportunities to encourage and pray for the local healthcare workers, as well as fill in and do whatever tasks they need done. 

We’ve also had some opportunity to connect with villages! We visited a village called Bilbil and served over two hundred people with health related issues. We were able to pray for each one, as well as encourage and disciple them with health education and biblical principles.

For our last two weeks here we’ll be continuing to help out at the hospital, but we’ve also been able to line up some clinics at some nearby island communities! So we will be heading out to an area called Ulufun next week, and I am so excited to see how the Lord will show up!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Soooo Good Ashley......Proud of you dude...


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