I'm Feelin' 2022

Since it's been over two months since I last sent out an update, it's high time I let you all know what's going on in my life.

I returned to Canada at the beginning of December after an amazing and successful medical outreach in Madang, PNG. Since then, I've been resting, hanging out with family and friends, celebrating the holidays, and getting my documentation in order to move to Hawaii!

I'm very excited to announce that everything is in order, and at the end of the month I'll be moving my permanent address to Kona, Hawaii! I'm making a transition to spending more time in the office in Hawaii and spending a few months out of the year on the ship in PNG, rather than being there all the time. 

Ships were never meant to be a permanent living space for humans, and living on the ship does take its toll. Having a constantly rotating community makes it difficult to build lasting deep-rooted relationships, and not to mention the complicated hassle of having no permanent fixed address (seeing as how your address floats and moves around). 

I'm making this shift to be able to allow for myself to remain sustainable in YWAM and Ships Missions for the long term. In the office I'll be working as the Ship Registrar, which will entail guiding the medical volunteers on policies, what documents they need, medical licensing, orientation to the ship, outreach prep, etc. My experience onboard makes me well suited for this position, and I'm looking forward to being able to multiply my knowledge with the medical staff who are new to the program.

The Lord has been so incredibly faithful through this whole process. When he started speaking that this was what I was supposed to do almost a year ago, it seemed so far off and so impossible. Yet, here I am, living out exactly what he spoke to me, in detail, over eight months ago. He is so good, and this whole process has been such an amazing reminder that God loves me and wants to give me good things, and I just need to trust and be obedient, and they will be better than I ever could have imagined for myself!

I am so excited to see what God has for me in this next season of life, because I know they will be filled with joy and peace.


  1. So blessed by your amazing heart for ministry. Always praying and would love to come visit and volunteer with YWAM....Jan 2023!!!

  2. I love this!!!❤️❤️❤️


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