And Chaos Ensues

 I once had someone tell me that their first impression of me was "this girl has her crap together", and honestly I was quite flattered. I do pride myself in being able to present an image of security and consistency, and I think it comes from my nursing experience and wanting people who need to rely on me (patients, etc) to have confidence in my abilities. That said, this past month I have never felt LESS like I have my crap together.

We spent a morning promoting the ship at the U of N!

Moving to a new country is really hard, even when it's a similar culture and you already know people there. There's so many moving parts and details, appointments and logistical things to consider. I came with a plan of how I was going to tackle all these things, and all of it has fallen apart.

That's not to say things aren't going well, there was one week that was chaotic as all heck, but the Lord is re-arranging everything in ways that I never expected, and it is shaping up to be even better than I could have imagined for myself. 

I got a car! Meet Steven!

I realized that my priorities were shifting, and I was trying to do things within my own power. This last month has been full of God teaching me to be patient, to rely on his timing, and that I don't need to solve everything, I just need to stay close to Him. 

I'm settling into my role here, and really enjoying getting re-connected with all the relationships I built while I was here last year. This year has so much potential, and I can see that the Lord is working and mobilizing people to move the ministry forward, and its so exciting to be a part of it!


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