
 Last year when I was visiting Kona for six months, the Lord gave me a clear word that He wanted me to move to Kona, and that he wanted me to get rooted here. It seemed easy enough at first, I would start the visa process. It was only until I started looking into it more that I realized just how much was involved in being truly rooted in a place. Suddenly this exciting word seemed like a terrifying undertaking.

I chipped away at it bit by bit, and I have been absolutely astounded over the last couple months with how the Lord has fulfilled every aspect of his word to me. When I first was preparing to come here, I was thinking "where will I work and how will that balance with my work with YWAM, where will I live, where will I go to church, how will I get around", and so many more questions. All I had to go on was God's promise that he was going to establish me in this land, and to pursue solutions with that simple fact in mind.

Fast forward several months, and God has answered every one of my questions. He has been faithful to the point of miraculous, and I have so much peace and confidence that this is where God wants me. I have a work with YWAM that I love, a job that fits in perfectly with my life, a car to get around, I've begun to get settled in a local church, and I just recently discovered that the lease-holder of the room I've been subletting from won't be returning, and that I get to stay in this home permanently! I finally feel like I am able to call Kona my home, and that I have the security of a stable home to live in. 

I was also able to have the blessing to be able to go home to Canada last month for a short visit to spend some time with family and friends. That was such a blessing! I was able to rest, enjoy summer in Canada (it's been five years!) and celebrate some family birthdays and milestones. I look at my life, and I am truly #blessed.

River floats!

In the coming months, my office-mates and I will be pushing to get the ship into the dry dock. We are praying it will be able to arrive in Madang before the end of the year. We are also trying to coordinate an eye surgery outreach in the Highlands of PNG, and we also have a few medical conferences I'll be able to attend with my colleague Claudia on the mainland over the next couple months! We will be hosting a booth at the exhibitors halls at these conferences recruiting and inviting medical professionals to join us in PNG. 

Meeting with the ship over zoom! So fun to see friends from the office on the other side!

It's going to be a super busy and exciting few months, and from how the Lord has provided for me over these last several months, I am filled with so much confidence that what the Lord speaks will come to pass. It will be so much greater than we could ever imagine, we just need to persevere and trust in Him!



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