A Year in Review

 Merry Christmas! I can't believe it has been another year already. I just thought I'd send out a little note to summarize everything that the Lord did this year, and where he's headed in the next year!

The Fleet Support Team!

In my personal life, the Lord got me settled in Hawaii! I have a permanent home with amazing roommates, a work that I love, a visa to be able to work part-time and maintain my nursing license, a car, and the most amazing and supportive community. God has been so good and faithful this year! Through all the unknowns, what I know to be true remained consistent: God's blessings will always look completely different and be way better than you could imagine for yourself. If you have a word from the Lord for your life, say yes, be obedient, stay open, and watch God work!

In my ministry life, we saw more provision and breakthrough in 2022 than we ever have! From somehow raising $8.2 million to secure a permanent training facility in Kona, to receiving the money for the Liberty's dry-dock, to partnerships with other ministries, and volunteers with specific skills putting up their hands and saying "I'll go". The ship is up in the dock, and we're hopeful it will sail early next year!

I helped plan and facilitate ELEVEN land-based medical outreaches in Madang this year, including one cataract surgery outreach in Mount Hagen where the team performed 155 surgeries in two weeks! We provided over 3500 medical services this year, and interacted with over 5500 people, sharing the gospel and doing health promotion. 

I personally was responsible for assisting and mobilizing SEVENTY volunteers from around the world to serve in Papua New Guinea this year; the most we've had since 2018! I was also able to be able to be a part of recruiting and sharing what we do with medical professionals around the US! It is so amazing to be able to be a part of how God is moving in the Pacific. 

Next year, I'm hopeful that I'll be able to see my first medical outreaches onboard the Liberty! I'm hoping to be able to travel to the ship and serve onboard for 2-3 months, however I'm still praying into timing. It has been so amazing to be able to start to see the fruit of my labour over the past 3 and a half years, and all I can do is praise God for his faithfulness.

I want to thank you all so much for your continued support this past year. I wouldn't be able to do this without your prayers and generous donations, and I am continually touched by your generosity. 

In February, my rent will be increasing by $75USD per month, and I would like to enrol in dental insurance (which I've quoted for $20USD per month); I am looking to increase my monthly Canadian income by $125CAD per month to cover these costs. I'd like to ask you to prayerfully consider a monthly donation to help with these costs. Just twenty-five dollars a month will allow me to go to the dentist, or $50 per month can help cover my rent payment. 

If you're feeling led to partner with me and the work God is doing in the pacific, you can find donation options here: https://ashleymeyersupdate.blogspot.com/p/donate.html


  1. Well done!!! You’ve been very busy. May abundance continue!


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