Exciting News!

 I just recently turned 31, and as I was praying about what would this year look like, and what does the Lord have for me in this year, I felt him explain to me that this past year had been inward; all about me: recovering from living overseas long-term, getting settled and rooted in a new place, and healing and growing. This year is going to be marked by going outward.

It's very cool, because I've already seen how the Lord has started opening new doors for me to be able to serve the community in Kona as well as the ministry overseas, and I am even feeling like I have a greater capacity for giving than I did just a month ago. 

The exciting news, however, is that I will get to go on outreach this year! Our medical department is putting on a medical seminar from August 21-25, as a way to invite medical professionals to come and be in a missions environment, to learn about key concepts of medical missions, and potentially get launched into medical missions. We are offering an optional outreach after the seminar, and I am planning and coordinating the travel for that outreach! I will bring four volunteers with me to PNG from Kona, and will serve alongside the medical clinics in Madang for two weeks.

I'm so excited to go back to PNG and serve from August 28-September 8, but I was also presented with an opportunity to serve onboard another vessel, the YWAM Koha, in Fiji! I knew they were running outreaches around the same time I would be in PNG, and so I reached out to them, asking if they needed any nurses for their one-week outreach in mid-September. They came back to me, and informed me that they actually needed a clinic leader for their last two outreaches (mid-September to mid-October), and asked me to pray about filling that role for that time.

I talked to a couple people in my office, ministry leaders, etc, and I prayed about it, and it was a resounding YES! So now I'm very excited, because I get to serve a new vessel, in a new nation, doing what I love!

So, in order to be able to follow God's call and to go out and serve this year, I will need to cover my travel costs, as well as the costs that will continue while I am away (such as rent, utilities, insurance, etc). I need to raise a total of $1500 USD (that's ~$2050 CAD).

Would you pray and consider partnering with me to serve the isolated peoples in the South Pacific? 

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Let's change the world together!!


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