There and Back Again

It's hard to believe that I've been back from my outreach for over a month already! Time really flies. Just in case you missed it: I took a team of nurses from Kona to Papua New Guinea at the end of August, and joined our medical outreaches happening there for two weeks. After that I flew to Fiji, where I joined the YWAM Koha (a vessel operated out of New Zealand), and served as a nurse and supported their clinic leaders for five weeks! It was such an incredible time spent in PNG. I was really nervous to go back, because of how things had gone last time, being so difficult and covid restrictions, etc., but I feel like the Lord really redeemed my time there, and I felt the joy of the ministry and the love for PNG that I had first had when I joined staff in 2019, and I was actually sad to leave and only be there for ten days. It was such a precious time of connecting with the staff there and encouraging them, building relationships and blessing the people through the med...