Welcome to the Mali-Boomer!

When I was twelve my parents took our family on a trip to Disneyland, and there was this one ride called the Mali-boomer (like Malibu but boom, yeah?). It was kinda like a drop of doom, but you started at the bottom and it would launch you up and then you would free-fall, and it would do this over and over for a few minutes. That’s pretty much the best way I can describe how these last few weeks have been. There has been so much uncertainty, so many great blessings and so many challenging things all along side each other, and it keeps coming so fast I don’t even know how to process it. The last month has been an absolute whirlwind. We traveled up to Mount Hagen on October 2, not knowing if we would be there for two weeks or two months, because our plans for the last two outreaches had fallen through and we weren’t entirely sure of what God had in mind for us. We didn’t know what type of accommodation we were going to have, but that the hospital was providing it and w...