Pulling Into May

I have never related to an internet meme more. To say that this year has been challenging would definitely be an understatement. I remember leaving Canada on January 2 with so much hope and excitement for what this year was going to hold, so much joy and belief. Now it's May, and I am feeling like the girl in the passenger seat of that meme. Roughed up, filled with disappointment, and wondering how I got here. If you've been following my posts at all, you'll have noticed that the theme of the last few months has been dealing with unmet expectations and trying to walk in God's peace anyways. Well, this last week that became truer than ever. Due to the COVID situation, the engineer who was slated to come and complete the final push to get our engines up and operational was delayed until the PNG border opens up again. As a result, ship management in Kona decided that it was time to evacuate the ship until the engineer is able to return, save a small skeleton c...