So I guess the biggest news I have to share is that I have finally booked my plane tickets back to Papua New Guinea! I'll be traveling there on May 17, and then having to quarantine for two weeks in a hotel. I should be back on the ship on June 4, and I will remain in PNG until December when our outreaches are scheduled to finish. This has been a really emotionally complex decision for me, and I really feel like I'm stepping out in faith by travelling to PNG at this time. On one hand, my visa for the US runs out June 1, so I need to leave and go somewhere anyhow, and I WANT to go to PNG and I'm excited to start outreaches. On the other hand, I have so enjoyed my time here; I have been able to do such fruitful things, and have begun to build such wonderful friendships that I don't want to leave! I'm also battling the fears of being disappointed like I have been in the past, but also the knowledge that God is moving and giving us momentum like never before, and wanti...