Walkabout Wantaim Purpose (walk with a purpose)

 It’s been a while since I put out an update, or really posted anything in general. That’s honestly because nothing very interesting has been going on, and that’s a reality of being in missions. Not every moment is leading the charge, intense stories, or groundbreaking moments. Sometimes it’s administrative work, buying provisions, or cooking for the whole ship; but just because these tasks aren’t necessarily what I signed up for, or even related to my role as Chief Medical Administrator, it doesn’t mean they are any less valuable or essential to reaching the vision.

I am part of something that is greater than myself, and it’s not about me getting good stories or recognition, it’s about God getting the glory and pushing the entire ministry forward so that more people can be impacted by God’s love. Jesus called us to be servants, and that means to help out where I’m needed, even if it’s not necessarily where I want to be. Just because I’m not doing exactly what I want, doesn’t mean I’m not still living out the purpose that God has called me to.

That’s what the last couple months on the ship have been. I’ve been extremely busy trying to fill gaps (we’re shorthanded), help orient new volunteers and staff to their roles, and providing context as the person who has been onboard the longest. I’m exhausted, but I continue to hold onto the conviction that this is where God wants me, and that he is transforming me into the person he wants me to be, preparing me for the good plans he has for me in the future.

Speaking of future, in just 6 weeks, I plan to be travelling up to the northern coast of PNG to run some medical outreaches! This is huge, because it’s been over 18 months since I’ve been able to do medical outreaches due to Covid! We have a team of medical volunteers arriving at the beginning of September, and we’ll be flying to Madang to partner with the local health authority, build relationships, and serve in any way they need most. 

I am so excited for this, not just because I’ll be doing medical work (YAY!), but because I get to pave the way for the ship to arrive in the months following. I get to help set the stage for partnerships with the new Madang YWAM base, the Madang Hospital and provincial health authorities, and develop friendships with local health care workers. Together, we will bring not only practical medical aid to Madang’s most remote places, but bible translation into local languages and the gospel of love as well! 

If this opportunity stirs your heart, you have the chance to be a part of it! I am completely self-funded, and in order to engage in this ministry, I need to cover the costs of accommodation, flights, food, network, etc. You can help me bring the love of Christ to the most remote places on earth by partnering with me financially! Click "donate" to see the ways you can give!


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