Settling In

It's been two months, and I finally feel like I'm settling into my place here. I've got all my logistical visa/documents/etc sorted out, and I feel like I've settled into a routine and a role and purpose here. The Lord has been so patiently teaching me to trust and wait on him during this season. At first everything wasn't how I expected it to be, and it was chaotic and I was stressed out; but as soon as I learned to be patient, not to worry about tomorrow, but to trust in the Lord's promises, everything started to fall into place. It doesn't look how I thought it was going to look, in fact it's even better! He is encouraging me to step into areas that are unknown, and I don't know all the variables, but I'm trusting that things will come through, because I'm being obedient to His leading. Life in the office has been great, I am so thankful for the incredible team of people I work with. There is always lots of laughter and coffee and snac...