Reflections on 2020

As I look back on this year, what comes to mind? I'm pretty sure anyone reading this will immediately think of all the crap that happened this year. Covid-19 anyone? Maybe you lost your job, maybe you didn't get to have the big wedding you wanted, or maybe you even lost a loved one. It seems its always the bad things that stand out isn't it? And yeah I'll admit, this year has probably been heavier on the negative than the positive. This morning I was reading Acts 7, and it’s about Stephen preaching to the people, and he's recounting Israel's history, and reminding them of where they came from. That's a major theme all throughout the bible, especially the old testament. The entire book of Deuteronomy is God reminding the people of Israel not to forget their roots, who they are and where they came from, and what God has done for them. That brought me to this year, as I reflect on 2020, I felt God saying to write down everything he has done for me this year, w...